The Gene Simmons Cow…
…Looks exactly like KISS’ Gene Simmons. Watch out, cow…you’re probably gonna get sued for Copyright Infringement.
Apparently, the cow wants to rock and roll all night and eat grass every day. Rim-shot!
By the way, I heard that this cow is trying to trademark the gesture of cow-horns. Zing!
Hey, I heard that the animal has a new single…which is titled…”Shout It Out, Cow”. BAM!
If this cow ever gets sick, he’ll need to be Calling Dr. Hoof! POW!
Looks like this cow was…Made For Milkin’ You! ZWAM!
In fact, it appears that the cow’s guitarist is back in the New York MOO! BLARB!
OK…..apologies for that last one. Look at the cow pic below.
– East Side Dave
Stop what you're doing and acknowledge this @genesimmons KISS lookalike cow going viral. Uncanny. #Moo
— Jessica Dill (@JessicaLynnDill) August 1, 2017