65-Foot Hot Dog Sculpture Just Landed In Times Square
Check it out! Yes, you’re reading this right, a 65-foot hot dog sculpture just took ground in Times Square.
It was lowered down yesterday afternoon, accompanied by confetti, and lots of tourists to watch the installation.
People from all over the world stopped and put their eyes on the enormous wiener sculpture, stopping to take photos of, and with it.
The sculpture will be of a classic bun and a frankfurter drizzled with mustard. If that is not enough, it will move with hydraulic mechanisms that will raise the sculpture skyward.
This whole design was created by Brooklyn-based artist duo Jen Catron and Paul Outlaw.
Why Build A 65-Foot Hot Dog Sculpture?
Catron, Outlaw, and Times Square Art have planned a bunch of events around the hot dog, including wrestling matches with drag wrestlers from Choke Hole, a dog beauty pageant hosted by the American Kennel Club’s Museum of the Dog, also an official Nathan’s Famous hot dog eating contest, and a “hot dog summit” where people get right to the meat of it and to add a bunch of street vendors, gender bias in competitive eating, factory farming, and the meat industry.

Everyone can feast their pupils on the “Hot Dog in the City” until June 13, so make sure you grab your cameras and get a glance at this huge hot dog. Also Im sure after seeing it you might want to have to take care of your hunger and grab something to eat.
So in conclusion, thank you for taking the time out to check this story out and always rocking out with me and 95.9 The Rat. You can get more stories by clicking right HERE. Much Love and Cheers. – Gotts