The Average Person Spends 6 Months Of Their Life Waiting For This
We wait a lot. Like, A LOT. Being able to wait for stuff is a constant test of our human patience. I’d venture a guess that other animals in the natural world don’t wait for stuff like humans do. If an crocodile sees a tasty treat, do they wait on line before eating it? Hell no! Yet, when I go to Strollo’s for an Italian Ice I’m always waiting in line before my taste buds enjoy that cold and creamy sensation. Meanwhile, my pal Mr. Croc has devoured his meal in seconds. I’m tellin’ ya, the ability to wait for things sets the human being apart from the rest of the animal world. Well, that and our opposable thumbs which allow us to hold tools (kinda a game-changer, amirite?) Well, today’s WTF Question is all about waiting.
The average person spends six months of their life waiting for THIS. What is THIS?
To clarify, that’s an accumulative six months. Not one long stand-and-wait type situation. Add it up over the course of our lifetime. We spend six months doing this. Hmmm.
Wrong WTF Answers Only
As with most What’s That Fact trivia questions, there’s a ton of fun over on the WRAT’s Facebook page when it comes to all the wrong guesses.
Some of my favorite wrong answers include:
Raj waiting for the dinner decision is a good guess… but I’m thinking that’s a bit longer, LOL!
Mike apparently needs more fiber in his life if he’s still waiting for the perfect poop.
This pisses me off so much! Laura’s answer hits home! Why are we even setting appointments anymore? Waiting for the doctor to actually see me takes forever! First comes the waiting room, never a good experience. Then comes the second wait… that’s when you’re in the little room with the paper roll pulled out on the bench and you’re still waiting forever for the doctor to come in.
And why is it that the representative from the pharmaceutical company gets waived back immediately? Hmmmmm.
There’s Only One Correct Answer For The WTF Question
And the correct answer for today’s WTF Question was called in to The Morning Rat Race by Peggy from Point Pleasant, New Jersey. Peggy’s correct answer was, “Waiting for the red light to turn green”.
YUP! Great job Peggy! Thanks for playing the trivia question. Always fun to kick off the work week on a Monday!
As for other answers to other questions: Have a look at these:
Look Back At W.T.F Questions