WTF Questions
15% Of Guys Have Done This While On The Toilet
The What's That Fact trivia question today turned to the male of the species. A curious creature to be sure, the male human can be found doing all kinds of things to keep busy. Many of these things are likely to confuse the female of the species. However, once you see the answer to today's question, I think you'd agree that it's likely that some women do this as well. Today's question revolves around bathroom habits, and what guys do whilst "dropping the kids off at the pool". Sitting on the the porcelain throne. Going to talk to a man about a horse. Taking the Browns to the Superbowl. Having a talk with Mr. Hanky. Pinching a loaf. Wrestling a leprechaun. It's all means the same thing: A break from the daily home stuff to attend to personal business. 60-Second Listen: Hippos Use Poop To Mark Their Territory Who else recalls the days before smart phones when we depended on shampoo and conditioner bottles for reading entertainment while attending to the business? Those fortunate enough to have a large enough bathroom could stash a magazine or two in there... This is the W.T.F Question for 8.19.24 Wrong Answers Only Ya'll had some pretty interesting answers on our social media post on this trivia question, but I totally appreciated this comment: Dude, as as guy who's done some DIY bathroom tile this one struck a note with me. Following those grout lines where they get a little uneven, man that kills me. And then there's this wrong answer: Just don't request "That Smell" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. But the correct answer for today's W.T.F Question came to us from Tom out of Brick, New Jersey. He phoned in the answer of, "Watching a movie on their phone" and walked off with our prize. Ahhhh, shampoo bottle is definitely a little lonely.