THE WRAT Has A Few Suggestions On Saving Money On Gas This Holiday Weekend
A lot of people are getting out of town for Memorial Day weekend, and gas prices are ridiculous. So we thought you might like a few tips that’ll keep your wallet slightly heavier.
1. Your best bet is to fill your tank today because gas prices are supposed to rise tomorrow. By filling up today, you’ll save some dough at the pump. Plus, you don’t want to waste gas and time sitting in line at the pump while everyone’s leaving town.
2. Use an app like Gas Buddy, Gas Guru, or a handful of other gas apps found in this link:
The ones right next to highways tend to be more expensive. So those apps are even more helpful when you’re out of town and don’t know where to go.
3. Pay with cash. A lot of places charge 10 or 15 cents more per gallon when you use a credit card.
4. Make sure your tires are properly inflated. According to the Traffic Safety board, it can save you over 10 cents a gallon. But 80% of us don’t have them at the right P.S.I. You can google the correct tire pressure for your vehicle.