(WATCH) Jersey Rock Video of the Week: Bobby Mahoney “Empty Passenger Seats”
Rocking the Bowery Electric in NYC on June 5!
2024 has been an epic year for Bobby Mahoney and the year isn’t even half over yet! The group rocked Austin, Texas for the first time ever on March 16. That gig just happened to be a performance at South By Southwest in March. Speaking on Jersey Rock, Bobby Mahoney said:
“(we’re) honored that our Austin debut is a SXSW showcase. We are excited to get a taste of the culture and are looking forward to catching other artists (and some great food) while we are in town!“
Following the SXSW performance, the group announced they signed to Steven Van Zandt’s Wicked Cool Records, joining Jersey Rock veterans Soraia on the label. The massive achievement was the culmination of years of rocking clubs, recording songs, and reaching as many people as possible. Mahoney said:
“When I was a kid, my friend, Matt Hogan, told me to play every show like we are playing Madison Square Garden, and we have really taken that advice to heart. We approach every show as a chance to improve, to learn, and to strengthen our bonds within ourselves and our audiences.”
Catch Bobby Mahoney live and you will be in for an MSG-grade romp. Your next chance is at a location that’s approximately 2 miles from the Garden. Bobby Mahoney rocks The Bowery Electric in New York City on June 5. The group will perform in support of Steve Conte’s “Concrete Jangle” album release show.
Tickets are available HERE.
Bobby Mahoney’s latest EP “We Go On” is available now. You can find it along with all of the bands previous releases at bobbymahoneymusic.com. The band has a new album on the way “Another Deadbeat Summer” is coming soon on Wicked Cool Records!
The band released a new version of their song “Empty Passenger Seats” and paired it with a killer music video . Find the new track HERE.