Jersey Rock Blog

Jersey Rock Band of the Week: Spyne!

Rocking WRAT's Ocean Of Love Billboard Radiothon on Monday September 16! On Monday September 16, 2024 Gotts will ascend a 4-story billboard at 1331 Hooper Avenue in Toms River for the fourth time as RAT Radio once again calls upon the Rat Rock Nation to help raise money for Ocean County families with children battling cancer. The Ocean Of Love Billboard Radiothon is back! Gotts will live atop that billboard from September 16 to September 19. The goal is to raise over $100,000.00! As is now tradition, we will kick off the week with a Jersey Rock concert in the lot below the billboard! Following Gotts' ascension, 4 Jersey Rock bands will take they stage for a free show. They include Baron Praxis, The DT's, Chris Gullace Band, and this week's Jersey Rock Band of the week Spyne! No strangers to performing before big crowds, Spyne! regularly rocks The Stone Pony. They've also been tapped to open for Trixter alongside Jersey Rock vets Reality Suite at Dingbatz in Clifton on Sunday September 15. Tickets for that show are available HERE! We greatly appreciate Spyne! making time to support this worthy cause the day after a huge gig with Trixter. While it's never easy rocking back-to-back performances, we know they are up to the challenge! Spyne! Currently has a number of great singles available and they are working on their first-ever full-length album. Speaking of the upcoming release, singer/guitar player Kyle Moyer said:  “Our debut LP is to be titled “Out of Nowhere” and won’t be out for a little while longer, hopefully by the end of this year. However, we have been sprinkling in our new songs at our live shows." Expect a taste of the new album at the Ocean Of Love Billboard radiothon on September 16 and tune to Jersey Rock on 95.9 The RAT Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 11:30 pm to hear the latest from Spyne! Kyle Moyer will call in to the show each night! Learn more about Spyne!, check out their music, and stay on top of all upcoming show announcements by looking up their linktree page! Check out video of Spyne! performing at the Stone Pony!

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