What Scent Would A “New Jersey” Scratch-n-Sniff Stamp Smell Like?
We hit this question on the WRAT Facebook page this week and were highly entertained by the answers. The question came out of a No Sweat News story that had to do with, “scratch-n-sniff stamps”. What would a New Jersey stamp that was scratch-n-sniff stamp smell like?
The reason we asked the question is because of a No Sweat News story about the postal service in France. They came out with a scatch-n-sniff stamp recently. It’s the first scratch-n-sniff stamp we’d ever heard about. The French postal service needed to choose a smell for the scratch-n-sniff stamp to reflect. The idea was to choose something that was very, very French.
60 Second Listen: Why Every Baseball In The MLB Stops In New Jersey
The postal authorities chose the smell of a freshly baked baguette for their French scratch-n-sniff stamp. The baguette is so authentically French, so uniquely connected to French culture that the idea sounded fun (and delicious, lol).
But it got us to thinking: What would a New Jersey stamp that was a scratch-n-sniff stamp actually smell like?
New Jersey Scratch-n-Sniff Stamp
The answers that you came up with on our Facebook fanpage were either perfectly serious or perfectly funny. First up, some of the serious ideas:

And Then There Were These Suggestions…
The Rat Rock Nation doesn’t do anything anywhere without having some fun… So we plucked these gems off the comments section.

Last but not least, can we all put this Pork Roll / Taylor Ham thing to bed?