Residents Upset Over Reports of Buses of Migrants In Toms River
Unfounded reports about 2 bus loads of migrants from the southern border being dropped off at Motel 6 on Route 37 in Toms River have some residents upset.
No one has offered actual proof of buses of migrants being dropped off at Motel 6 in Toms River.
Moreover, the incident was investigated by the Toms River Police Department and found to be just 2 bus drivers staying the night between their regular shifts.
Is There Photographic Evidence Of Migrants Getting Off Buses & Congregating In The Motel’s Parking Lot?
If there were photos of migrants at Motel 6 they would be plastered all over the internet. The only photos, obtained by a local resident, were photos of 2 empty buses parked at the motel.
A small group of Toms River residents even stopped by Motel 6 on Route 37 demanding answers from the motel’s employees and management. One resident claims the owner/manager of Motel 6 told her that the buses did drop off illegals and will be dropping off more. He advised her to contact the police department. But still not a single photograph of migrants has been posted. The woman’s post can be seen below.
The social media page that made the original post claims they are New Jersey’s number one source for “providing news, laughs, and speaking the truth” but have made unfounded reports in the past. These posts could be seen as harmful opinions about local businesses they don’t like, and constantly berate and mock people who have opposing views.
To counterbalance these types of posts, the page’s administrator will often call on members for help to raise money for local families in distress along with collecting clothes, toys, and furniture for families in need.
According to Shore Network News, “That false post, intended to cause dissent in the community, led to a woman screaming at the town hall meeting on Wednesday over alleged buses of migrants being dropped off at a local motel from the nation’s southern border. The resident stood up to protest the arrival of migrant buses pushed to the Jersey Shore by the failed immigration policies of President Joe Biden and sanctuary state policies of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy.”
In the past, I have been taken to task by the main guy who runs the page for calling him out on several instances for posting unverified information that include boycotts of local businesses he believes are up to no good based on hearsay, and for making degrading comments to the people who frequent the page. The people who run the page strive to stay anonymous, and now you know why.