Wawa Superfan Collects Full Set Of WaWa Order Slips
Here’s a fun No Sweat News story right out of New Jersey and it involves one of our favorite convenience stores to pop in for a snack, a fill gas fill-up, or both! A superfan of WaWa collected a full set of WaWa order slips. It’s a unique and kinda weird thing to collect, so unique that WaWa noticed and gave their superfan a shout-out on social media.
The guy who collected a full set of WaWa order slips is Tyler Gyurisin, on X (formerly known as Twitter @zeldz73021). The collection started as a small pile of WaWa receipts. If he’s anything like me, those receipts began as a collection strewn about the passenger seat of his car… lol.
Related Story: You May Be Pronouncing WaWa Incorrectly
Tyler says he noticed that each of his order numbers is different, with a different number at the top. And he had a bunch of different numbers as a result. Since all the orders collected randomly he was never really sure what order number he would get with his daily order. But with each order, as he got more and more new numbers, the collection grew. . And so, the idea was born: Collect all order numbers, #0 through #999.
It wasn’t easy to get all the numbers. So he enlisted friends, family and followers. He tapped his friends and family to keep an eye out for numbers that he was missing, “Hey, I need #212. So if you see a #212 please save it for me.” When a number got really hard to collect, Tyler used social media to find it.
WaWa Noticed
When the #0 to #999 collection was complete, Tyler posted his collection on social media. Tons of people commented on the improbability of the accomplishment. The connection was sealed when Wawa itself commented on his collection. They said, “This is the kind of dedication we’re talking about.”
This is the kind of rare insanity that the No Sweat News editors keep an eye out for so if you spy a similar act of fruitlessness… please hit us up.