WARNING: Fake Amazon Employees Stealing Packages In Toms River
Toms River police have issued a warning via their social media about porch pirates targeting local residents in a tricky new way. Their warning was published on June 5th with other local municipalities apparently reporting the same issue. Toms River police say that local residents are reporting package thefts by fake Amazon employees wearing Amazon-branded clothing. Read on to see what to look for.
Usually, porch pirates rush up to a residence when a package is left at a stoop or front door. They’ll pull up to a driveway, leave their car running nab the package, and drive off. They’re generally wearing clothing that is normal streetwear. Nothing particular is different about their appearance.
The difference between the normal run-of-the-mill porch pirates and the thieves that have recently popped up in Toms River and other local communities is that the new variety of porch pirates is actually wearing Amazon delivery-branded clothing. Yeah, they look like Amazon employees.

Why Wear Fake Amazon Employee Gear?
The fake Amazon employees don’t stick out in the community because we are all very used to their delivery trucks moving through our neighborhoods. Also, some Amazon deliveries are made by employees driving their own cars. Those deliveries are usually the fast-turnaround kind of order. It’s nearly impossible to tell if that person is dropping off a package or stealing one.
It only takes a few seconds to nab an item delivered to a front door. If that person is wearing a fake Amazon employee outfit it provides the cover they need for just a few seconds.
What Can People Do About It?
There are a few options for us when it comes to heading off these a-holes.
- Have the package shipped to an official drop point. The bad news is you have to pick it up so that defeats the whole, “home delivery” thing.
- Have a neighbor grab your package before a criminal does.
- Have the package dropped in your garage by setting up in-garage delivery.
- Install one of these “fire paint balls door bell cameras” on your home and blast away.