Woman Ditches Boyfriend For A Disgusting Habit Which Nearly 50% Of Men Are Guilty Of
How often do you wash your bed sheets? I wash mine once a week. Some people wash theirs twice a week. Some people wash their sheets once a month.
According to the website, Sleep Foundation: “Most people should wash their sheets once per week. If you don’t sleep on your mattress every day, you may be able to stretch this to once every two weeks or so. Some people should wash their sheets even more often than once a week.”
Do you have any idea how many dust mites collect on your sheets each night?
I’m not even going to look that up. Dust mites feed off the dead skin cells you shed. How about sweat and other gross bodily fluids that build up on your sheets? I’m getting nauseous thinking about it.
According to an article in the New York Post: data released at the start of 2023 shows almost half (45 percent) of single men admit they wait up to four months to wash their bed sheets. If you thought that was bad, another 12 percent said they wash them when they remember – which could be even longer. Unsurprisingly, their bedding was changed more often once they were in a relationship, a British study determined.
When you’re in the beginning of a relationship, you’re more likely to be mindful of your hygiene habits.
I handle all the laundry in my house. Not because I’m a 1950’s version of a housewife, because I won’t let him near the washing machine. OCD issues I guess.
A woman on Reddit dated a guy for 2 years and discovered after moving in together that he only changed his sheets twice a year. He had originally told her in a text exchange he changed them twice a month, which is still gross. She insisted that the sheets needed to be washed once a week, and their discussion became heated.
She shared their text exchange on Reddit because she wanted to help others. Since both the woman and her boyfriend’s names did not appear in the thread, she may be telling the truth about offering help to those who are hygienically challenged, or just too lazy to pull the sheets off the bed and throw them in the washing machine.
“This exchange was maybe 3 months in. I only lasted another 5 months before I moved out and dumped him,” she wrote.
“He also never flushed the toilet. I would walk in and be greeted by his massive dumps. Or step in a p**s-soaked tile.”
Good for her, I would have never lasted that long.
A heads up to this woman’s former boyfriend and anyone else who needs to hear this, you should probably wash your sheets more often in the Summer since you sweat like a pig.