4 Places Where You Can Donate Halloween Candy You May Not Want
Do you have left over Halloween candy? Maybe didn’t get as many kids at the door this year? Or maybe your kids collected so much candy that they can be convinced to do a good deed with some of it. Here’s a few places that you can donate leftover Halloween candy. There’s military support organizations. There’s a dentist group and more.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Halloween is my favorite holiday because there’s no shopping for gifts. There’s no cooking for your entire family. No planning out who sits next to who at the table. No driving all over town to visit in-laws and distant relatives that you care about once a year.
Halloween is the fun holiday! Dressing up in costumes, going to parties, trick-or-treating, and even destroying a house or two with toilet paper on mischief night.
But if you’ve got left over candy or way too much in the house, here’s a few good ideas on where you can donate it to a higher purpose.
Donate it to the troops
Treats For Troops is one option if you’d like to spread some of your Halloween love to soldiers who are overseas. Their motto is, “Let’s make them feel like kids in a candy store.” Sending Halloween candy to troops beyond our borders is a great way to remind them of the fun neighborhood stuff that they’re representing. This organization is organized by Soldiers Angels and they want to encourage people all across the county to put together collection drives. Click here for more info.
Operation Shoebox is another trustworthy organization that will accept donations of Halloween candy for American troops overseas. They also curate care packages with a larger variety of items so check out the information here.
Halloween Buy Back used to be based exclusively out of dentists’ offices. But these days there are events at other places as well. In addition, they’ll accept direct mail in donations. Traditionally, the candy would be “bought back” by businesses by providing a coupon or service based on how much candy was donated. Use their zip code tool to find an event near you.
Donate it to families in need
Ronald McDonald House is a very well known organization for providing housing support for parents who need to travel to get critical care for family members. During the Halloween season, RMH accepts candy donations for families that are far from home and far from their neighborhood. Find a local chapter by clicking here.
Some food pantries accept candy
Feeding America is well known as a place that helps stock food pantries across the country. Of course, they specialize in healthy food that families in need can get but they can help you find a food pantry local to you that might accept Halloween candy for local families as well. Click here for their locator tool.
If you know of another good spot to donate leftover Halloween candy please let me know!
In the meantime, check out pics from our annual Halloween party.