Recreational Cannabis Dispensary Coming To South Toms River
The debate over recreational cannabis dispensaries being allowed in towns along the Jersey Shore has been a long and frustrating one.
It has drastically intensified since marijuana was legalized for recreational consumption a couple of years ago. On one hand, you have enthusiasts and forward thinking entrepreneurs clamoring for a town to give it a chance. Meanwhile, on the other side of the pot picket fence are the township governments themselves, cautions to give the go ahead for the revenue stream, due to pressure from concerned parents, and the “not in my backyard” sector, fearing a town dispensary would set a bad precedent as we move forward here in the Garden State.

(Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
This debate will undoubtedly get even more heated now in Ocean County, as word come that the county’s first recreational cannabis dispensary is under construction in South Toms River.
The address is 334/336 Atlantic City Boulevard in South Toms River, the former home of Captain Hippo’s Bait And Tackle. The companies name, according to a makeshift grommeted sign on top of the building will be the Social Leaf Dispensary.
There is no word on an opening date for the dispensary, which would be the fourth in South and Central Jersey, and the first in Ocean County. For now the sign reads “Coming Soon”. Obviously, It’s an ominous phrase considering the feelings and opinions that are sure to follow the news of Ocean County’s first recreational cannabis dispensary.

(Photo by Jeff Vinnick/Getty Images)
What are your thoughts ?
Meantime, what’s your opinion on recreational cannabis in your town? We’d like to know. Click feedback here at, or use the comment section on the Facebook link to this story to let us know your thoughts on legal weed in your neck of the woods. We look forward to, and welcome your comments!