Disgruntled Woman Filled Her Ex’s Gas Tank with Skittles and Coke Zero
A woman wasn’t going to waste Skittles without “tasting the rainbow” first, because she got caught filling up her ex-boyfriend’s gas tank with Coke Zero and those pre sucked Skittles. Her name was not released or the location, but according to some reports she showed up in the middle of the night to do this damage.
She apparently, was so upset over a breakup and decided to take matters into her own hands and I’m guessing a little bit of effort with her mouth. By morning, the damage was done, as ex-boyfriend noticed his car was struggling to start and, looking into some more of an inspection, he discovered the bizarre mix. His local mechanic estimates for the repairs reportedly will be into the thousands as the mixture wreaked havoc on the vehicle’s fuel system.
Gotts’ Thoughts On This Story
I myself love Skittles, and don’t think wasting them on an ex partner is worth it. Maybe the Coke Zero, because I never drink that stuff. If your relationship is on it’s way out it’s best to just leave it alone no matter what the circumstance is. I know sometimes it is easier said than done, but it’s better like that because getting yourself in trouble is not worth it.
I also would like to add, that I think she thought it would be like those MENTOS mixed with soda. That’s where the soda pretty much explodes all over the place. Again not a good idea to be doing to a car of any sort. I’m thinking she is going to be hit with some serious charges, and will most likely have to pay for those damages to his car. So don’t waste good candy on your ex partner to just back at them.
Thank you for taking the time out to check this story out and as always rocking out with me and 95.9 The Rat. You can get more stories by clicking right HERE. Much LOVE and CHEERS. – Gotts