Atlantic City Air Show Is Now In The Works At Wildwood For 2025
It might be over for the Atlantic City Air Show, but no need to be kicking stones, because Wildwood is in the works to be picking it up. It will be called “Wildwoods Thunder Over the Waves.” The Air Show was canceled the last two years by the Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce.
This amazing stunt performing airplanes that brings in tens of thousands of people from all over is trying to be set for September 5th and 6th. The city is currently working with an events company that has been organizing air shows for more than thirty years. They hope to make an announcement this month.
Ben Rose, marketing director for the Greater Wildwoods Tourism Improvement and Development Authority, said “Upon contract approval, the airshow would be a first for the Wildwood.” Ben seemed pretty excited getting this going on and added in “We have an opportunity to fill a weekend that we’ve been trying to fill for quite a few years,” Rose said. “We have an opportunity to salvage an airshow for southern New Jersey.”
Where And What To Expect At The Air Show
The show will be a free event that can be seen on most of the beach, especially between Seaport Pier and the Wildwoods Convention Center. The middle of the event will be located between Morey’s Mariner and Adventure Pier. There will be some VIP sections and tickets available at certain locations, such as the Seaport Pier, the Convention Center, and the back of Mariner’s Pier.
Just a heads up we’re not sure which demonstration squadrons will be present, we can tell that the Blue Angels and the United States Air Force Thunderbirds won’t be involved, because their schedules are already booked well in advance. It will be a lot of fun nonetheless, it will be a weekend-long event starting on Friday. That weekend will not be one of the best weekends to rock the shore so be sure to book your hotel rooms now.
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