80% Of People Say It’s OK To Call Someone While Doing THIS
You need to call a friend but you’re currently “otherwise detained”. No matter, because these days, most people say it’s ok to call someone while using the bathroom.
As it turns out, almost everyone got the correct answer for today’s What’s That Fact Trivia Question. Today’s W.T.F Question was over just as quickly as it began. Honestly, I was surprised because I seriously don’t want my friends to call me while sitting on the throne.

It took a mere two minutes to get the correct answer when we went to the phones on air. It took a mere few seconds to get the correct answer posted up in the comments section of our social media post about this question.

Stacked among all the correct answers for today’s W.T.F Question was one wrong answer that caught my eye… this next one is a head scratcher for me. I’m going to assume that this is a reference to some kind of self-gratification but I’m not 100% sure:

For The Record
For the record, we here at The Morning Rat Race believe that it is NOT socially acceptable to call someone on your phone while you’re using the bathroom. I know that I most certainly DO NOT want to get a call while you’re dropping the kids off at the pool. Nope, don’t want to pick up the phone to hear a slight echo and realize that you’re pinching a loaf.
So, do us all a favor and stop doing this. This is one case where I totally do not fall with the majority of people. Although, I have to be honest, no one I’ve asked around here thing it’s ok to call someone while taking the Browns to the Superbowl.
That’s it for today’s W.T.F. While you’re here have a look at some older W.T.F Questions.