62% Of Women Have Made Their Guy Do THIS Before Leaving The House
We posted the What’s That Fact trivia question on our Facebook page and the Rat Rock Nation did pretty good for a Monday. The question was about the fragile connection between men and their wives and girlfriends. According to today’s question: there’s something that women make their guy do before they leave the house.
As always, we go to the phones for a winner for the W.T.F Question but the comments section of our Facebook page is where a lot of the fun happens. For today’s question, I was surprised with how many people took the question so seriously. Perhaps the question hit a nerve?

We got lots of wrong answers that all could be described as “something he’s wearing” but only one of them was the correct answer.

Shout out to Mike, who hit us with our favorite funny answer for today’s W.T.F Question:

What Did She Make Him Do?
As for the correct answer: 62% of women have made their man change their SHOES before leaving the house together.
Shoes, the ultimate accessory. They say so much about the man. However, your wife wants to be the person who controls the message.