Florida Man Charged After Setting Fire To Strip Joint
If you don’t know already, Florida is where a lot of crazy things happen, and this story is no better. We start with a 29-year-old man named Arvin Solimanpoor and this dude just went crazy. He went to a vacant strip club named The Pink Pony Showgirls Club and just freaked out. Arvin went in fired some gunshots and then just set the place on fire according to reports.
When the police got to the abandoned strip club this crazy dude was still on the scene, get this they saw Arvin dragging some brush INTO the burning building. Things even got more interesting for Arvin, when he got locked up.
While he was in custody, Arvin complained that he was thirsty, so the police gave him a water bottle. He drank it, then returned the favor by going number one back into the bottle and hurling it back at the police.
Arvin has a bunch of charges, including arson, shooting within a building, gun possession, battery on a police officer, and felony criminal mischief. Why did he do all this? Well, no one knows, but the police are investigating.
Gotts’ Thoughts On This Story
Well, let me say thank God no one was injured, including no girls, and we are thankful for that. I also will go out on a limb here and say this guy had to be on meth for this stunt.
You know this guy is an arsonist when you see someone trying to burn down a building and then watching him bringing more kindle to add to the fire. Also Arvin please try not to throw your urine at police officers. Maybe this time being locked up he can clean himself up and get some help.
Thank you for taking the time to check this story out and many thanks for rocking out with me and of course 95.9 The Rat. You can get more crazy stories by clicking right HERE. Much LOVE and CHEERS. –Gotts