Guy Texts To Ask For His Drugs Back After Cops Removed Him From A House
Back to Florida…
A 50-year-old man Named Chris Newton made a pretty bold move after being asked to leave the house by the cops.
Despite agreeing to leave, he later texted the homeowner asking for his drugs back… apparently, he left a little baggie on the nightstand.
Not wanting to deal with the nonsense, the homeowner turned it over to the police, they searched they room and they found a mysterious bag of white powder. Dude must have “been hitting the slopes”.
Gotts’ Thoughts
This story is just crazy, but I have to say it is Florida so you know it will always be a wacky one. I think this dude Chris should double check what he packed before he left. He also should have known that doing drugs or leaving them out is never a good idea, but it should have been the first thing he should have gotten rid of when the police were on the scene.
If this guy is that irresponsible, and not being that smart he probably should be charged with everything he gets. I bet the cops got a huge laugh once the homeowner showed the text from Chris. I can only imagine Chris’s face when he came back to the house to grab his “baggie” only to see the deputies out front holding it. LOL
Thank you for taking the time out to check this story out and as always rocking out with me and of course 95.9 The Rat. You can get more stories by clicking right HERE. Much LOVE and CHEERS. – Gotts