Rich Robinson (Black Crowes) Swings Guitar Like Axe At Stage Jumper
Clearly: Rich has a career as a lumberjack waiting for him when this tour wraps up!
Some idiot jumped on stage at the Black Crowes show in Melbourne, Australia over the weekend.
The Crowes continue their awesome “Shake Your Moneymaker” 30th anniversary celebration down under… and apparently a local fan wanted to celebrate with them.
Thing is: The Crowes don’t need no help gettin’ it done. And when this big Aussie bum rushed the band and when security got pushed around a bit Rich Robinson and his brother take matters into their own hands.
Rich uses the business end of his guitar to jab the dude in the throat and then Chris comes over to blast the guy with what was probably every profanity in the book (and a few that aren’t in the book).
Enjoy the bashing but can we all please agree to stay the hell off the stage if you’re not supposed to be there? Thanks.