55% Of People Admit To Being Rude To This
Pretty good week on the What’s That Fact trivia question! Why? Well, there’s plenty of rudeness going around these days. That’s what this W.T.F. question was all about. Once again, the WRAT Rock Nation did not disappoint with their answers on the phones or on the WRAT’s social media post about the whole thing on today’s show.
For the record, here’s the W.T.F Question: 55% of people admit to being rude to THIS. What is THIS?
Holy moly, is rudeness the vibe of the day, amirite? Certainly on social media it is. Seems like any post is met with some stupid conspiracy theory about celebrity dating or some other nonsense. But, I digress.
The W.T.F question was quickly answered on air and our prize (the Free Music Monday prize) quickly nabbed.
Wrong Answers For The W.T.F Question
The real fun of the W.T.F is found in the comments section of WRAT’s Facebook page! For example, have a gander at some of my favorite reactions…

Who among us is not guilty of this?
See? Some of the responses actually hit the nail right on the head. Who hasn’t been rude to that automated self-check out voice? That voice always tries to rush me to bag my item. Two seconds after the scan that broad is ordering me around. Lady, listen, I’m moving as fast as I can. Cut me some slack, would ya?
This next response made me chuckle:

Java time. Black gold. Don’t say a word to me until I’ve had a sip. And, by sip I mean two cups.
Here’s a fun fact, Patrick: It’s totally socially acceptable to be rude to your coffee machine if it’s taking too long to brew your morning cup of liquid gold. No one will frown on you at all for a word or two cast in anger.
Speaking of things that are legal…

Sorry, but. This is not a problem.
Well… not number one. You’re not allowed to be rude to retail workers or your spouse. If you are, you better be working up an apology of giant proportions.
But: Telemarketers? And that extended warranty A-HOLE? Full on, no doubt, go for it. Be as rude as you want to those jagoffs.
The Correct Answer For The W.T.F.
As for the correct answer for today’s WTF Question: Well, that would be smart speaker, or Alexa product. 55% of people admit to being rude to their smart speaker.
So don’t get sassy with me, Alexa. I’m on to you, biotch.