7 Must Try Places To Eat In L.B.I. Suggested By Locals.
I have been trying to plan a day trip to L.B.I. with my husband for the last 2 years. We’ve been down there a few times in the last couple of years to visit friends or grab a meal but have never truly explored the area. What’s wrong with me?
I make lists and never finish checking off everything on them. I get through maybe half or 3 quarters and then, boom, nothing. On to the next. I need to stop that.
I’ve been collecting information to plan a trip to Portugal and Spain since before Covid.
My last trip to Europe was March 2020, and then Covid hit.
I have to get moving before it’s too late. I don’t want to wake up one day and say, “Would have, should have, could have.” There must be no regrets, no stalling, no lollygagging…etc
Right now, I’m going to focus on good old New Jersey and then move on the European trip that I plan on taking in 2025.
I’m familiar with plenty of places to eat around Long Beach Island and the surrounding areas, but our choices have been the usual places we’ve grown comfortable with.
Where Do I Get Info For Must Try Places On L.B.I.?
After visiting a few social media sites put together by the locals, I discovered there are way more places that I’ve either never heard of or places that I forgot about since moving to the Garden State nearly 30 years ago.
I must break some of these habits! Going to the tried and true is great, but there is so much more to explore.
Unfortunately, some of these places no longer exist. See what happens when you put things off. You miss out.
I’m not looking for all fancy places, just good food and good service. Everything from luncheonettes to nice restaurants.
My friend Dan Schade used to say, “You gotta live while you’re living.” He’s right!
Let’s take a look at 7 places local folks recommend we grab a meal while visiting towns on or near Long Beach Island.