This isn’t a story about Bruce or Jon. We all know they are the Alpha and Omega of New Jersey Rock. This list is about their friends, contemporaries, followers, etc.
Some on this list came up with Springsteen. Others followed him or maybe were even inspired by him. While some played to a young Jon Bon Jovi, others, maybe were like me and shelled out big 80’s bucks to take big 80’s haired girls to go see him up at the Byrne. Either way, this list isn’t about Bruce or Jon. It’s about the hard-workin’ musicians playing for decades here. Those that got it done and are still getting it done, in some form or another at the Jersey Shore clubs.
Familiar names are on this list.
I think you will fondly remember all of the names on this list. In one way or another, they have made their mark on the Jersey Shore music scene forever with their talent. While they may have never reached the worldwide superstar heights of the other two guys, these fellows have a tried and true following that has blessed them with success and sellouts for decades now. One has played with the biggest band in the world. Another has parlayed his success into a showcase of other musical talents on the shore. While still another has taken his passion in skill in a different field and merged it with his music all for the most worthy of causes. There is one that may have the greatest cover band in the world, and another that has the “other” Jersey Anthem.
Yep, they’re all different, but they’re all Jersey Shore!
So here we go, with a nod to the likes of Ms. Nicole Atkins, and the others who are in the prime of their careers. We see you, and we thank you, as today we celebrate the ones who got it started for you. The true sound of the Jersey Shore!
Special Thanks to my dear friend and fellow rocker Robin Thompson of Omni Media Group for giving me the idea for this story!!