The iconic Sopranos celebrated it 25th anniversary this week. Now here at the Rat, we hold this show in higher esteem than pretty much any other television series ever. Perhaps it’s the Jersey thing, or maybe it’s because the show had it’s run in our first decade of our existence, so we kind of grew with it. However I think it may be because the vernacular and cadence of what the characters said during the show, mirrors the way we, both here at work, and in our personal lives speak to each other. Truth be told, with the exception of maybe Seinfeld, I have never quoted a show more in day to day life than the Sopranos. I know. I’m a weirdo, but I’m not alone!

(Photo by HBO)
The Sopranos Thesaurus.
Both inside and outside of my career, my friends and coworkers are living out of the Sopranos thesaurus. Not a week goes by when someone, including myself jumps into a conversation with an OHHHHHHH! Or a MADONE! For a while back in 2011 I think I actually greeted everyone with “Whaddya know, whaddya say? “. It’s a sick disease, without a cure. But who wants one? Furthermore, I think trading great Sopranos lines is healthy, and liberating. It bonds you to your friends. Like it’s “This thing of ours”, so to speak. I don’t even mind when I rip a Paulie Walnuts line on a civilian, and they don’t even know what the F*ck I’m talkin’ about. First off, their reaction is priceless, and second it gives me the opportunity to proselytize to them about the religion of the Gabbagoul.

Hall Of Fame Lines.
Meanwhile, there are some Sopranos lines that are more iconic than others. those are the ones that, while maybe not used everyday, or even once a year, do lend themselves to be said from time to time. These are Hall Of Fame Soprano lines. The best under the radar quotes, that if you hit your buddy with, he’s gonna love you. However, more importantly, he’s gonna respect you!

So here are my 25th anniversary Top 5 Sopranos quotes me and my friends say. Not your friends, my friends…Capiche?