Here are 7 bars and restaurants in Ocean County that are open for an early dinner on Christmas Eve this year, Tuesday December 24th.

Although I found more than just these seven bars/restaurants that will be open for some portion of Christmas Eve this year, I narrowed it down to these places because they span a large portion of the county and vary from fine dining, to casual, to great pub grub.
My Christmas Eve Routine
After my male gene kicks in and I do my really important Christmas shopping the morning and early afternoon of December 24th, I rally my wife and kids to get showered, dressed and ready for our little family tradition. It’s a tradition I began when our kids grew too old to be rushed home to bed in anticipation of Santa’s arrival.

First we hit church. Now, before you have that warm grin come over your face, truth be told we don’t go to church much more than Christmas Eve and not nearly enough as my mother in law says we should on her weekly phone calls to us from Florida! Having said that, the whole family really enjoys the late afternoon/early evening services at The Presbyterian Church Of Toms River.
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So after an hour or so of some good music and a good message, I’m hankering for some Christmas Eve chow and a holiday cocktail or two. We like to keep it pretty local, and stay in our home town of Toms River. In past years we’ve enjoyed night before Christmas dinners at Water Street Pub, The Office Lounge, and the Toms River location of B2 Bistro. If you read any of my local foodie stories, you know those three places are already in my regular rotation throughout the year when I go out to eat in town. Therefore, I didn’t put them on the list this year, but wanted to highlight them, nonetheless.

No matter where you go if you are heading out for Christmas Eve dinner this year, have fun, don’t drink and drive, tip well, and above all take the time to really enjoy this special time of year with your loved ones sitting across the table from you. Then get your ass home and start wrapping!