52% Of Women Say THIS Is The First Thing They Look At On A Man
The What’s That Fact trivia question had a ton of responses this week. Over 125 comments on our social media post about the question revolving around women and the first thing they look at when meeting a man for the first time. As usual, the real fun is in the wrong answers found online, but you can find the correct answer below. Here’s the W.T.F. question, as it appeared on WRAT’s Facebook and on the Morning Rat Race:
Wrong Answers Only
You know that I love the wrong answers over on our Facebook page. The Rat Rock Nation clearly takes pride in coming up with come crazy a## $#it to post. The entertainment factor today went pretty high. How high? Well…
IJBOL (I Just Burst Out Laughing) at “whether his mom dressed him”. Is that an obvious thing? Are there signs? Like, are his mittens attached to the end of his jacket sleeves?! And, it sounds like Billy has come back from the men’s room to find his date has vanished…
If Steven is correct then I don’t stand a f’ing chance out there!
Clearly, I’m not the only one laughing at Gary’s answer. Yes, Gary: she def is interested in my action figure collection! (If she is actually interested, you better just drive straight to the nearest church with a couple of rings and a promise or two).
Sixty Second Listen: Using diet soda as a mixer gets you buzzed faster.
Last but not least, this next wrong answer got a few reactions of it’s own. I love it when the Rat Rock Nation splits off into their own insane discussion groups on our Facebook page. It’s like starting a new topic at the group meeting before naptime.
Again: That’s a wrong answer. In fact, Joe’s answer is probably the WRONGEST answer we’ve had for a W.T.F Question for a few weeks. So, congrats are in order for Joe and his insanity!
The First Thing They Look At: The Correct Answer!
As for the correct answer for today’s W.T.F Question: That is “his fingernails“. 52% of women say that his fingernails are the first thing they look at when meeting a man for the first time.
Congrats to everyone who had the correct answer. I’ll see ya for another What’s That Fact Trivia Question next week. Until then, have a gander at some other W.T.F Questions…