Entertainment News

Facebook Fined 5 Billion Dollars Over Privacy Breaches

Facebook Leans Into Groups As Main Focus of Its New Redesign

Court Grants Parents Access To Deceased Daughter’s Facebook Page

Timehop Gets Hacked, 21 Million User’s Data Stolen

Facebook Bug Unblocks People Who Were Blocked On User Profiles

Facebook May Have Shared Your Personal Info… Again

Instagram Just Announced HUGE Plans For The Future

Facebook’s Entire Team Is Going Through A Shakeup

Facebook Takes On Tinder By Adding A New Facebook Dating Service

Facebook Implements “Hate Speech” Alerts, Up Vote / Down Vote Buttons

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook Throws Some Shade At Facebook

People Are Livid About This Snapchat Update

Facebook Is Changing Something MAJOR In Your News Feeds

Facebook And ‘Star Wars’ Show A Droid Repair In 360 Mode

There’s A SECRET News Feed On Facebook You Never Knew Existed

You’re Going To LOVE This New Facebook Feature

Artificial Intelligence Creates It’s Own Language, Scares Humans

Terrifying! Giant Spider Caught On Camera Snatching Cricket

It’s Social Media Day! Let’s Celebrate Your Daily Routines

Hilarious Wedding Photos Of Best Man Go Viral

This Woman Photographed All Of Her Facebook Friends