Here’s a holiday list. It’s a compilation of the Top 7 Worst Christmas Rock Songs Ever Recorded. It’s a lump of musical coal in your rock stocking!

There Are Some Well Known Names On This List
According to the website Ultimate Classic Rock, Every year, musicians try their hands at holiday classics. A few of the covers become memorable, and most of them are quickly forgotten, but then there are the ones so cringeworthy, they cannot be ignored.

Now, the songs I have chosen are not only bad sonically, they make you wonder what the artist was thinking. Were they doing a favor for someone? Was it a passion project, like they once told themselves, “If I ever make it big, I’m going to do the rendition of this Christmas song that I hear in my head!” Who knows. It doesn’t lessen the greatness of these musicians, but it at least shows that everyone makes at least one bad choice during the holidays. Whether it be drinking too much at the office holiday party, thinking your wife would love a Chia Pet under the tree, or recording a dark metal version of Jingle Bells. Hey, it’s the holidays. It happens, right?
Christmas Rock Songs Date Back To The Beginning Of Rock Music Itself
It was Christmastime 1958 when Chuck Berry‘s Run Run Rudolph became what is considered the first Rock and Roll Christmas song to become a hit. Setting the standard for amazing musicians to create unforgettable holiday classics. A far cry from the top 7 worst Christmas rock songs on this list.
What Goes Better With Bad Holiday Music Than Bad Holiday Foods?
From the 60s through the 70s there were some classics recorded that are still staples of Christmas today. While things cooled off a bit since the 80s and 90s, we still enjoy our favorite holiday songs done right today.
Well maybe not these particular songs, the top 7 worst Christmas Rock Songs. But hey, to each his own, right?