Holiday Guide – Gift Guides
Need A Gift? Here Are The Top 5 Jewelry Stores In Toms River According To The Locals
It’s time for that new game show we call, “Last Minute Gift Shopping.” Oops, you were so busy for the last couple of weeks, you forgot to pick up a gift for that special someone in your life. Maybe it’s your spouse, your sister, your niece, or your side piece. I suggest you think fast, my friend. Normally, people don’t keep track of clothing sizes of people in their lives, so you can’t buy clothing for that special someone. Maybe you can get off easy and buy a gift card with a large amount attached to it. Don’t do that, it’s too impersonal. You need to think about what this person really likes. If it happens to be a child, maybe a toy will do. If it’s a teen, the latest I Phone could be a great choice What if it’s an adult you’re shopping for? Your wife or girlfriend would be pretty angry if you showed up with an appliance such as a vacuum cleaner, or the latest air fryer. Appliances are definitely out. One year, my husband bought me a pasta maker because he thought it would make things easier for me. I would no longer have to make pasta by hand. I didn’t get mad (this time) because he’s a practical kind of guy and I know exactly how he thinks. I learned that during our first year of dating. For my birthday, we went to Long Island and he took me to a nice restaurant where he wined and dined me. When we got back to the hotel, he gave me my gift. I was so excited! I opened the beautiful card and then the beautifully wrapped gift, and discovered that he bought me a Garmin GPS for my birthday. I was in tears! He came up with the idea because I was always Googling directions. I eventually got over it, and we’re still together. I like jewelry, but I'm the kind of person who likes to shop for my own jewelry rather than receiving it as a gift. If Bruce were to buy me a piece of jewelry that had a special meaning attached to it, I’d be thrilled. Jewelry is always a good bet. Here are the most suggested jewelry stores in Toms River, according to the local community pages. I always trust the locals and where they shop.