Origin of Devil Horns Gesture Explored in AXS TV Docuseries
The origin of the devil horns gesture will be explored in an upcoming episode of AXS TV’s docuseries Music’s Greatest Mysteries
Airing July 14, this episode is the second of the show’s second season which will unpack a number of different topics. Among them is the airplane crash that killed Randy Rhoads (airing on July 7) and whether or not “Disco Demolition Night” at Chicago’s Comiskey Park really did kill disco (airing on August 4.)
In a statement, AXS TV’s Head of Original Programming, Development and Multi-Platform Content Sarah Weidman said, “Music fans have questions and Music’s Greatest Mysteries has the answers, making it the perfect addition to our all-new Wednesday night lineup which digs deep into the world of music and takes fans behind the scenes. From the heartfelt and inspiring, to the strange and even sinister, music history is packed with fables and figures that have kept fans intrigued for decades. Our viewers loved hearing the stories we shared when Music’s Greatest Mysteries premiered last fall, and we have even more incredible tales and water cooler fodder to share when the series returns on July 7.”
A preview to the devil horns origins episode can be viewed at AXS.tv.