Australian University Offering Scholarship to Study Heavy Metal
The University of Newcastle in Australia has launched a new PhD scholarship program where students can study “The Geography of Heavy Metal.”
Per the university’s website, two domestic or one International scholarship will be given out by their Centre for Urban and Regional Studies to study one of the following “Geography” fields: Homelessness, Veganism, Unschooling or Heavy Metal.
“The Geography of Heavy Metal” study the student to examine the following questions:
· What sorts of lyrical themes have Australian Metal bands adopted? Are these culturally and geographically unique to the continent?
· What is the relationship between the cultural evolution of Heavy Metal in Australia and colonialism?
· Is Heavy Metal in Australia largely a white phenomenon? What has been the response to diversity within the scene?
· How is gender negotiated within the Metal scene in Australia?
· What sort of reputation do Heavy Metal fans have within the Australian context? Does this impact the types of spaces that Heavy Metal fans can utilize?
· How has the geography of Australia in proximity to other scenes contributed to or hindered its cultural uptake?
· What is it about Australian Heavy Metal that makes it distinctive?
Those interested in applying for the scholarship can send their research proposal and CV to Professor Simon Springer at Complete program information can be found on Springer’s website