



Schooling: Got thrown out of home school, now attending Carl & Dave University

Hometown: Monroe Township

Years In The Biz: -3 1/2 Years

Favorite Bands: Too many to list. I like all music.

Favorite Food: Beer/Goat Weenie/Skittles

Favorite Beer: What’s Today’s Special?

Favorite Quote: “Blowin Doors OFF”

Favorite Movie: Debbie Does Dallas/Pulp Fiction

Favorite Past Times: Hanging out with my boys

Favorite Drunken Moment: Ask my family or my friends

Why Radio? They said I was too ugly for tv.

The Best Thing About Being Gotts: Talking to myself and no money.

About Me: I’m real. Come up and say hello. I’m a nice guy, ask me anything!Words Of Advice: “The windshield is always bigger than the rearview mirror”