Hey, I get it. Kids are wonderful. “Your heart will soar!” That’s what a friend told me. But, they’re a ton of work too and they’ll test your patience in between every soaring moment. With this weekends weather report not looking like a one for the outdoors, I present to you: Rainy Day Stuff To Do With Your Kids.
It’s a simple list. But it might just save your sanity until you can safely open a bottle of wine and declare, “Who wants to watch Harry Potter!!!”
Sure, kids are absolutely wonderful. But, they’re also awful. They’re the ultimate, “wonderful and awful and the same time” (Hello? Anyone remember that bit?!)
By the way, I’m always up for suggestions from equally activity challenged parents so if you have a go-to for a rainy day activity that you don’t mind sharing and you don’t see here, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks! From one tired parent to another. We’re in this together!
I left off the wicked obvious stuff like: go to the movies, dump your kids in front of a screen all day and so forth. My list isn’t original. No question about that. It’s just that sometimes we get stuck on ideas on what to do with our joyous offspring and every tip here or there can help.
Hopefully, this rain won’t be too bad and we’ll be through fall and winter soon enough so we can get back to doing the really awesome outdoor stuff on The Jersey Shore.
In the meantime, hope you enjoy this list of rainy day stuff to do with your kids! Hit me up with any ideas you have to add to the list.