Good morning, Sports fans! Davey Mac here with another exciting Sports Report for ya! Baseball, basketball, and hockey scores and news! But first…
…We start with football…where we have a follow-up to the insane story that independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. is eyeing Jets qb Aaron Rodgers as a running mate. Reports are now saying that the Jets are “upset” with Rodgers and that it is “ridiculous” to think he could be campaigning and playing football simultaneously.
A source said: “Lots of the Jets coaches and players want Aaron to commit to the team and worry about winning the Super Bowl over a chance to be in the White House. Aaron and Robert aren’t going to win but for Aaron to consider helping run the country over playing for the team has many with the Jets all upset because you have to pick one or the other.”
In any event…this whole thing is crazy. It just is. I mean…Rodgers was supposed to bring a Super Bowl to the Jets…a team that hasn’t won the championship in over 50 years…but instead…Rodgers brought the circus. He’s like a football version of Kyrie Irving. Absolutely nuts! I’m Davey Mac…now on to the rest of the Sports Report!