New Jersey Ranks In The Top 10 In U.S. For Using Curse Words
New Jersey is in the top 10 in the country for using curse words! I can’t F#&*ING believe it! According to the good old Garden State used cuss words 1,787 times on its Reddit page. I know many people that every other word coming out of their mouth is a curse word. I mean think about it, we curse so much in Jersey that we do it with our middle fingers, so people know what you’re saying without even speaking it. Just put on ‘The Sopranos’ and that will tell you how we curse here in New Jersey.
Here is a question for you though, are there words we use that you would not consider a curse word? For example, if you use the word “ASS” is that really a curse? If so I owe a lot of money in the Jersey swear jar. As you know I work in radio, and we are allowed to get away with using some of these words on the air that you might find to be a curse. On this list New Jersey comes in at number 6, so I say get out there and get some more curses going, because I like when we are FU*$ING number 1.
Here Is The List Of The Top 10 States That Curse The Most
- Texas
- Connecticut
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Florida
- *New Jersey *
- Maine
- Ohio
- North Carolina
- Iowa
By the way, New Jersey’s favorite curse word is “SH*T.” I think we are just number 6 on this list because there is just more people in Texas really. This study is pretty funny because no lie I do curse a lot myself, but mostly just around the guys in the bars, and I really don’t like to curse around the ladies.
Thank you for taking the time out to check this article out and always rocking out with me and 95.9 The Rat. You can get more stories by clicking right HERE. Much LOVE and CHEERS. – Gotts