Sea Hear Now Festival Plagued By Bad Sound
Festival goers at this past weekend’s concert festival in Asbury Park have a strange complaint about the music festival: They couldn’t hear the music because of poor sound at the Sea Hear Now festival.
One concert goer said, “It was very hard to hear. Either the wind off the ocean killed them… or the speaker system was just crappy.”
The festival was last weekend, September 16th and 17th and featured a somewhat eclectic mix of rock, alternative and pop-folk artists. Headliners included The Killers on Saturday night and Foo Fighters on Sunday night. Also on the music bill were Greta Van Fleet, Sheryl Crow, Weezer, and others.
The audio problems plagued the concert especially during the performance by Weezer. It got so bad that part of the audience chanted, “Turn it up! Turn it up!” while the band was actually playing.
Other people in attendance of the Sea Hear Now festival said that just moving a few feet to one side or another could make the difference between hearing the band on stage and not hearing them. “We started at the boardwalk and moved to the right (because we couldn’t hear)”. “Sound seemed better way over on the boardwalk or even on the street.”
The brainchild of a a local photographer and his long time friend and produced by C3 out of a Texas the Sea Hear Now festival has dropped itself into the Asbury Park landscape and been received very well by the Jersey Shore concert going scene. They often pluck artists straight from the WRAT playlist to play their festival. The concert is held in the area around Convention Hall. Two stages on are on the beach north of the Hall. One stage is on the grassy park in front of Convention Hall.
Despite the sound issues that plagued the event, most people had good things to say over all. “Weezer is such a cool band! Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters) still rocks super hard.”