Scammers Are Tricking People Into Robbing Banks
Just how gullible do you have to be to be, “tricked into robbing a bank”? About this (holds fingers about an inch apart) gullible.
Police have confirmed two cases so far of people being tricked into robbing a bank. You might think, “how the hell can someone be tricked into robbing a bank”? Crazy, but here’s what happens.. as heard on the No Sweat News.
First, the scammer posts a “help wanted” ad on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace. The ad says that they need help running errands. The ad looks a little like this:
“Need help running errands. Go to the Post Office, pick up groceries, trip to the bank and other small stops. Too busy to do this myself with the kids at home… will pay for gas and time.”
Well, once you get the groceries and pop by the post office, they call you up and ask you to pick up a deposit at the bank. The victim then goes to the bank and is asked to hand the phone to the teller. The scammer tells the teller it’s a robbery and to give the dough to the person with the phone.
Believe it or not, it’s actually worked!
Last week, a woman in Omaha, Nebraska fell for it and showed up at a bank to withdraw some money for the person who hired her.
The teller gave the woman an undisclosed amount of cash, and she left thinking it was a normal withdrawal. The woman didn’t find out she’d ROBBED A BANK until later. The woman in Omaha didn’t face any charges and cops are still looking for the person who put up the ad in the first place.
Supposedly, a police department in Maine posted about the scam because they saw it on their local Craigslist too.
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