Please For The Love Of God, STOP REPLYING ALL!
Consider this an open letter to anyone who uses email. Email at work, email from home, business email, social email, basically any email you send and receive. Please, from this moment forward, never, ever, EVERRRRRR, send another reply to all emails unless you are asked or instructed to.
We get that you are happy Janet’s baby was born. That’s why you should email Janet, not me, nor the 300 other employees that work here. Yes, you do agree with the boss’s latest strategy for the 4th quarter, well then, how about a knock on his door to let him know! Not a mass reply all email that makes you look like a moronic kiss ass!
Oh wait here’s one, this one might be my favorite of all. Poor Betty Lou’s Aunt Ida passed away at the ripe old age of 97. Now, it’s not enough, mind you that the company is sending flowers, and some are even attending the services. No, you have to make the entire email chain aware that YOU are sending…Let’s all say it together now, Thoughts And Prayers! You are such an awesome person. One with only one minor teeny tiny little flaw. That flaw is when you write your reply to anyone, you opt for that button on the right instead of the one to the left! See the one on the left? Yeah, that one says “REPLY”…just reply, that’s all, nothin’ fancy.
That means it goes only to the person you intend to send your message of love-hate sorrow or happiness to! You click that, and this way you’ve gotten your point across, and I, along with everyone else don’t have to know about it!
You see reply all are like little digital bunny rabbits. First, you get one or two, and the next thing you know, you’ve got 30. They are contagious, like email Covid. And no one likes Covid.
So consider this little rant your vaccination from Reply All. A thank you will be appreciated, but only if it’s just for me. 🙂
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