The Undertaker & Mick Foley Discuss Their Iconic ‘Hell In A Cell’ Match
Good morning, wrestling fans! It’s your squared-circle soul-mate, “East Side” Dave, here! And I wanna talk about the notorious Hell In A Cell match between the Undertaker and Mankind!
Why? Because it’s Summer Time, baby! And when I think of this time of year…the two things that pop into my mind are Jaws (for obvious reasons) and Hell In A Cell (since this legendary match occurred on June 28th, 1998).
Quite simply put, the Hell In A Cell contest between the Undertaker and Mankind is the greatest competitive spectacle in wrestling history. Don’t believe me? Watch this…
That one moment redefined what was possible in and out of a wrestling ring and cemented the Undertaker and Mick Foley (a.k.a. Mankind) as two living legends of the business. And that wasn’t even the only insane fall that Foley would take…
There have been other matches that may have been more skillfully wrestled. There have been other fights with bigger names. There have been more publicized WrestleMania contests.
But THIS match is the most eye-popping, jaw-dropping, and incredible single moment in the history of the business.
We thank ‘Taker and Foley for their effort. Check out a fantastic video of the two icons discussing this epic moment below.
– East Side Dave