Guns N’ Roses Files Trademark Lawsuit Against Craft Beer Company
Loaded like a freight train? Flyin’ like an aeroplane? Not anymore for this unauthorized Guns N’ Roses-themed beer.
Per The Blast, GN’R has filed a lawsuit against Canarchy Craft Brewery Collective’s Oskar Blues Brewery for selling a beer called Guns ‘N’ Rosé. In the suit, GN’R alleges that Canarchy tried to trademark the Guns ‘N’ Rosé name but pulled their trademark application once the band caught wind of what they were doing. In addition to the beer itself, the brewery was also selling merchandise featuring the beer’s logo. However, when GN’R asked the brewery to cease and desist the sale of Guns ‘N’ Rosé beer and merch, Canarchy said they would stop but after March 2020.
While it’s likely Canarchy will now be forced to halt sales before March 2020, I think we can all agree that Guns ‘N’ Rosé is admittedly a great punny beer name, and hopefully, it’ll live on somehow after all of this legal mess.
Guns-n-Rose bands together sticky prickly pear and floral hibiscus with a subtle hop profile in this refreshing, crisp AF rose’ ale. Available on draft, in select markets now, and we’ll be droppin cans in February. Check below to find it near you.
— Oskar Blues Brewery (@oskarblues) November 8, 2018
Erica Banas is rock/classic rock news blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.