The Top 5 Viral Videos Of All Time!
Happy Birthday, World Wide Web! You turn 30 years old today! You are the cause of so many problems…but also the giver of so much joy!
On this day in 1989, Sir Tim Berners-Lee is credited with literally inventing the World Wide Web.
As a result, we’ve decided to make a list…The Top 5 Viral Videos Of All Time!
Enjoy! And happy birthday from!
– East Side Dave
5.) Grape Lady Falls!
Remember this one? Some local news agency had their reporter stomp on grapes…and the poor woman nearly broke her damned leg!
4.) Double Rainbow Guy!
We’re not sure what kind of hallucinogenic drugs Double Rainbow Guy was or was not one…but good God…this guy LOVES rainbows!
3.) Crazy Kid Post-Dentist Appointment!
Little David seems to be feeling funny after a trip to the dentist.
2.) Chewbacca Mask Mom!
It’s like this lady had never tried on a Wookiee mask before!
1.) Charlie Bit His Finger Again!
These two kids broke the Internet with this one…it has over 860 MILLION views to date!